Update... Nov 30, 2005

Can everyone hear those sleigh bells jinga-ling, ring-ting-ting-aling too? I can!!!

Yes it is the holiday season! I am ready to trim the tree, deck the halls, fire up a yule log, and carelessly eat all of the goodies that come with the season! I hope you will all join me!

Well, I don’t have a lot to report this week, sorry my life has become one play rehearsal after another. If you haven’t noticed, that is all I do. I go to play rehearsal and come home and work and go to play rehearsal. That is it! But you should all come see the play!!! I know several of you have already gotten tickets, and you will see my Tony Winning performance. I already have my speech ready, it starts out with “You love me… you really love me!!!” Anyway, if you are interested the website is www.friscocommunitytheater.com, come on out!!!

So, speaking of play rehearsals, I have to tell you all a little story. So, take a brain break and keep reading. I play “the mother” in this play. I have two kiddos, a girl and a boy (what a well balanced family) and I have a husband. Having a husband in a play is good, it lets me be ‘married’ for a few hours an evening, while still allowing me to live my own life independent of someone else that needs me to do their laundry and make their dinner while they complain about how the lawn looks. So it is nice. Anyway, they don’t turn on the heat to the building for rehearsals, and it has been EXTREMELY cold the past few nights. And we have all been trying to keep warm back stage and even on stage, doing everything short of burning the place down for warmth. So, I asked my husband if I could borrow his coat. He obliged (a very gentlemanly thing to do) and I wore it back stage while listening for my next cue (cue, I love all these theater words! Ha!). Anyway, last night my daughter’s REAL mother comes up to me and tells me that her little girl was in the car and said, “Mom, Martha is gross!” I was immediately upset, what did I do? Did I say something mean? Did I spit when I talked? What? Her mother looked at me and said she asked why she would say such a thing and this little girl said, “She borrowed his coat, and they aren’t even married in real life!” I started to laugh. She said she wondered if I would “catch” something from it. Then I really started laughing. I thought it was so funny, but her mother swore me to secrecy because she didn’t want her daughter to think she had broken her confidence.

Well, this is a quick update, but I am sure there will be more later!!!!

Peace, love, and dickery dock!

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